“The World is Waking Up to Just How Dangerous Seed Oils Truly Are, & How Healthy Meat Can Be”

Slowly, the truth is beginning to emerge. Not everyone can switch over to a Keto or Carnivore way of living, but the therapeutic benefits can be incredible. Some of us need to fix our digestion before we live a healthy life. But the more you know, the more you can help yourself.

Being an adult, it’s funny how we give so much of our self trust to the doctor and the hospitals and allopathic medicine in general. I feel it’s very much like being a child and we look to our parents for guidance. But it’s time to take back control of your life, to take responsibility and learn the truth.

The biggest favor you can do yourself is to stop consuming processed foods. Stop eating, Sseed oils, refined foods, and possibly sugar. Especially sugar if you are diabetic or you have insulin resistance, which I am pretty sure you don’t even though your own insulin levels, because doctors don’t check that. Why would they? It would mean that they would head diabetes and metabolic disease off at the pass before even became an issue. By the time you have pre-diabetes, or your blood sugar is creeping up, it is already in many regards, too late.

Fuel your body with ketones (allow your body to burn fat) and your life will transform, I guarantee it. Women may need a few carbohydrates or starches to assist in hormone production, but the best hormone production overall comes from good healthy fats. I have a website that I am growing and building with as much helpful information to show you how many of us are changing our lives.

I get louder as time goes on because I receive personal messages, thanks and applause simply to say thank you. Overtime. Some of you will drop away I know, I’m not doing this to have everyone like me, I’m just trying to help as many that need help as I can. And statistic show the over 80% of you will need that type of advice that I give out weekly,

And if you missed it in my previous post, the gallstones I had the other month we’re not from cholesterol from the fat and meat diet I have been on. They were Billirubin. Red blood cells that have ended their journey and being recycled and eliminated. The every other day fasting I was doing, although extremely beneficial for me as it help me drop an incredible amount of weight. Made the situation worse because I did not perform a few best practices to help loosen the sludge in my liver and gallbladder and biolle duct. This eventually caused gallstones, which were probably in my system for many years. In fact, I know they were, because I’ve had attacks for 20 years give or take, never knowing what it was.

And to be honest, I’m very glad I did not go to the doctors for all these years (personally speaking), because more than likely with my lack of understanding, I may have had my gallbladder removed. Then I really would have been in a bind. However, if you have had your gallbladder removed, this is not a major issue because there is so much we can do these days to assist you on your journey to health.

And I just enjoyed a steak with one and a half tablespoons of butter and I feel fantastic. The incredible thing about this journey so far is just how much my creativity has been exponentially boosted. The ability for me to keep all of these facts and figures in my head is astounding and the creative well that I am able to pull from is quite enjoyable.

I am not exclusively carnivore. Sometimes I may have a small, leafy green salad, but do not touch spinach or any high oxalate leafy green. I never use store bought salad dressings, as they contain oils that are far worse than sugar. I enjoy extra-virgin olive oil or extra-virgin avocado oil with sea salt and lemon juice.

Have a great day! ❤️

Meat is crucial for human health, scientists say as they call for end to the 'zealotry' pushing vegetarian and vegan diets

A group of scientists has published a report claiming that meat consumption is crucial for human health and that veganism should not be promoted as a "zealotry." The researchers argue that meat is a valuable source of nutrients, such as iron and vitamin B12, that are essential for a healthy diet. They also claim that the negative impact of meat consumption on the environment and animal welfare has been exaggerated.

The scientists are urging policymakers and healthcare professionals to prioritize balanced diets that include meat, rather than pushing a vegan agenda. They criticize the demonization of meat in popular media and culture, which they believe is based on flawed science and ideology.

This position has been met with criticism from some vegan and environmental groups, who argue that reducing meat consumption is necessary for mitigating climate change and improving animal welfare. However, the scientists insist that a balanced approach to diet is the best way to achieve both human health and environmental sustainability.

Overall, the report highlights the ongoing debate around the role of meat in our diets and the potential impact of veganism on human health and the environment.

Harvard University published a study examining the effects of a carnivore diet on the health of 2,029 individuals. The results at the end of the six-month trial were overwhelmingly positive:

  • 93% experienced improvement or resolution of obesity and excess weight
  • 93% saw improvement in hypertension
  • 98% observed improvement in conditions related to diabetes
  • 97% reported improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms
  • 96% experienced improvement in psychiatric symptoms

The researchers concluded that, contrary to common expectations, adults consuming a carnivore diet experienced few adverse effects. Instead, they reported numerous health benefits and high satisfaction, and the results were overwhelmingly, positive.

See the full story here: