My Journey with Food Addiction and Insulin Awareness

"Juicing vs. Keto/Carnivore Diet"

Someone had mentioned that their friend cured themselves by juicing vegetables for a year. This was my response.

I juiced veggies only around seven years ago. A very similar situation in which my background leaned very strongly towards a vegetarian lifestyle. in my instance it was a case that I completely ran out of steam, joining the juice cleanse and I could not move.

I knew I had to change something and something inside told me just to try a bone broth the next thing you know, my YouTube preferences begin showing me keto-based foods, and then eventually carnivore. it was there that I truly got my life back and my 50 year old body felt like a 21 year old once more.

There are a few ways of looking at this, and we cannot mistake the introduction of some thing as being the creator of health. Especially when, we live such lifestyles that we have the inclusion of so many toxins and bad habits in our day-to-day life.

Motivation and Elimination Diets

I will argue that your friend stopped consuming those things that were bad for him because he had motivation to do so. He was told he was going to die, (as I thought I was going to die), we have such motivation to finally do what we need to do in order to preserve ourselves at these moments in time.

He probably stopped all of the seed oil-based foods he was consuming, extremely high in omega, six fatty acids (linoleic acid) the bad kind, which above a certain point now boosts incredibly the risk for cancer, high blood, sugar, high insulin, metabolic disease in general and heart failure. He probably stop consuming those sugary foods, and other choices that would bring his health down even more.

By virtue of giving up all of these foods, and as long as the food that is being consumed, are not also detrimental to your health, you are going to achieve a net positive. Under these circumstances, it doesn't matter, if for example, the vegetables you are consuming, have a mild level of toxins within them, because they are still better than the very metabolic health assaulting foods that he was consuming prior to this. What your friend did was went on an elimination diet.

Meat-Based vs. Vegetable-Based Diets

You are also 100% able to perform the exact same methods by using an all meat and high fat diet as well. there are always caveats.

The caveat with meat is that for 97% of us, you're going to be able to access all of the precursors for every essential nutrients that you require. For a small percentage, you may need to supplement this, or that based on, for example where your ancestors originated from, and their ancestrally appropriate foods.

In the case of vegetables to eat, only a vegetable diet is one of privilege. This means that you must have the finances available in order to also purchase the missing nutrients that you're going to have from your diet. There are some protein and vegetables, but when something says it has so many grams of protein per serving of vegetables, this does not equate to the amount of absorbable proteins, available within that food. Vegetables do not relinquish their nutrients like meats do.

Animal vs. Plant Defenses

As stated in other posts and frequently on my page, animals have teeth and claws, and spiked quills and other methods to protect themselves. Once you get past that, the meat is accessible and can be digested without issue. Unless you have followed the AMA, ADA, NIH, and other regulatory services that guide us in our recommended daily macros. And this instance, you would have been eating a very low fat, high carbohydrate, illness, inducing diet, which now makes it very hard for you to digest fat and protein properly.

In this case, you now need to perform cleanses, and take supplements to free up the bile and dissolve gallstones in order to access those types of foods properly once more. This is the process I am undergoing right now.

In the case of plants, they don't have teeth or claws, so they try and teach animals and their prey by having within them, toxins, allergens, and poisons and carcinogens that will kill you.

animals in nature that do eat plants, do not walk around eating every plant they come across. They strategically consume those foods that they have evolved to be able to digest. They stick between those few items that they know that they can eat. They have food in the winter months and food in the summer months.

Year-Round Access to Fruits and Vegetables

This winter and summer month food switch is very important. And it is where we as humans messed things up. With the introduction of supermarkets and worldwide shipping, we now have access to foods that should not be within our region all year round. we consume fructose which our bodies cannot handle which further messes with our liver.

It is the constant onslaught of fructose all year round that reeks havoc with our liver. We should only have locally ground fruits available to us for the times in which they are naturally present, so we fatten up, and our blood pressure and blood sugars rise towards the end of the summer, making us ready to be able to handle the oncoming winter.

With humans, we consume almost every plant we can get our hands on. What's worse is that we genetically modify foods in order to be able to handle better or tolerate them in our diets. We create unknown issues that affect us many years down the road. Animals only eat one or two because every single other plant will kill them. Humans eat most of the plants and we think they do us no harm.

Negative Side Effects of Common Food Compounds

As stated, in other posts, here's a list of some of the adverse elements within vegetables.


Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in many plant foods, including spinach, kale, and rhubarb. While they are not harmful in small amounts, excessive intake of oxalates can lead to the formation of kidney stones and may interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as calcium and iron.


Phytates are found in many plant-based foods, including grains, legumes, and nuts. They can bind to certain minerals, such as calcium, iron, and zinc, and make them less available for absorption in the body. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies, particularly in populations that rely heavily on plant-based diets.


Nitrates are naturally occurring compounds found in many vegetables, such as spinach, beets, and celery. They can also be added to processed meats, such as hot dogs and bacon, as a preservative. Excessive intake of nitrates has been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as stomach cancer, as well as methemoglobinemia, a condition that reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen.

Solanine and Chaconine

Solanine and chaconine are toxic compounds found in nightshade vegetables, such as potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. They can cause gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as neurological symptoms, such as confusion, headaches, and hallucinations, in severe cases.


Lectins are a type of protein found in many plant-based foods, including beans, grains, and nuts. They can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients, such as calcium and iron, and may also damage the lining of the intestines, leading to inflammation and digestive issues.


Histamines are compounds produced by the body in response to an allergen or irritant. They are also found in certain foods, such as aged cheeses, fermented foods, and cured meats. Excessive intake of histamines can lead to an allergic reaction, including hives, itching, and difficulty breathing.

Cyanogenic glycosides

Cyanogenic glycosides are found in many plant-based foods, including almonds, apples, and cassava. When consumed, they can be converted to cyanide in the body, which can be toxic in large amounts and lead to symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, and seizures.


Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by certain types of fungi that can grow on crops, such as grains, nuts, and coffee beans. Exposure to mycotoxins can lead to a range of health issues, including liver damage, kidney damage, and increased risk of cancer.

Pesticide residues

Pesticide residues can be found on many conventionally grown fruits and vegetables, even after washing. Exposure to these residues has been linked to a range of health issues, including cancer, reproductive problems, and developmental delays in children.

Heavy metals

Heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, can be found in certain foods, particularly fish and shellfish. Exposure to these metals can lead to a range of health issues, including neurological damage, kidney damage, and increased risk of cancer.


Glyphosate is a herbicide commonly used on crops, particularly those that are genetically modified to be resistant to it. While the toxicity of glyphosate is still debated, some studies have linked exposure to glyphosate to a range of health issues, including cancer and damage to the liver and kidneys. Additionally, glyphosate use can lead to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds, which can be difficult to control and may require the use of more toxic herbicides.

The list of physical and mental effects the above elements can have on the human body is treacherous. While we can live on snickers bars or sugar for a couple of years, I would not advise in doing so.

Food, Disease, and Correlations

In my research I've not too long ago, discovered, that sugar in the realm of things isn't as terrible as I use to believe. However, once you have metabolic disease, you should most definitely not consume sugar anymore. But sugary foods have maintained a study level over the last couple of hundred years of our history. The introduction of seed oil's in the late 1800s early 1900s is where you begin to see for the very first time in history, Alzheimer's, cancers at the rate that we have now, diabetes, etc. much of this did not exist prior to seed oil's.

And if you follow the rise of the seed, oils and history, and you overlay the diseases of our modern-day world on the top of this chart, you will see a rise by rise correlation that is undeniable. However, meat has stayed pretty neutral compared to the rise of disease, and oddly enough, so has sugar.

There are many nuances within meat. Pepperoni and salami, etc. to me are not true meats. The studies that say meat is bad for the human body are just epidemiological studies that correlate meet with individuals with poor health. But they do not take into account for the pepperoni, the salami, the pizza, the beer, the smoking, etc. These are politically charged tests funded by politically charged corporations, such as the Kellogg's company and all its subsidiaries to push an agenda. I'm just scratching the surface here because this topic is deep and convoluted and confusing for a reason.

Fiber and Digestive Issues

Everyone is a little different for sure. Some prefer higher protein, some prefer much higher fat. Some are able to consume a higher portion of oxalates rich foods, and they do not feel the pain or psychological side effects that some of these allergens can course. However, I will argue that most of us will perform optimally on a meat-based diet.

If I was on one of two desert islands for the rest of my life, one that only had vegetables, and one the only had meat. I know that my life would be far richer and far more youthful and energetic, if I was on the meat island. If I was restricted for the rest of my life to vegetables, only, chronic disease, illness, and pain will eventually before me, especially if I did not have supplements to boost those elements that were missing such as proteins, B12, etc. etc.

I speak from experience here, although this is just a single person talking about the singular experience. But in the realms of an elimination diet, vegetables, or protein for a few years you’ll probably be OK. It’s the long term, the long game where you will be affected.

As for intestine length and fire, etc. there are many that do eat raw meat. In many ways, it is even better for you. There are many tribes that still do this today. I think we can dissect everything down to minuscule levels, but we are evolving.

We are eating foods that we are fighting against Like vegetables. Our intestines cannot digest fiber, but our stomachs and intestines are trying for the love of God to extract the nutrients from them. So meanwhile, we get diverticulosis or Chrons or IBS from fibers and elements that dig into our colons and intestinal walls and we get gas and bloating, which is unnatural.

Ditch Seed Oils & Processed Foods

This breakdown is simply food rotting (not digesting) in our stomach and intestines. And we pass gas because we literally have food rotting away within us.

This causes all sorts of untold damage that is for the most part nonexistent on a carnivore diet. The science is quite clear. Once you remove the smoke and mirrors.

I think the trouble is today so much success is happening on the carnivore diet. For example, that many carnivores are very black and white about what they think everyone else should be eating. They will not budge on their beliefs and because they have a limited understanding they don't keep everything in balance. I just try to be the voice of reason.

Occasionally, if I feel like it, I might have a small, leafy green salad. But my day today and what keeps my medical issues at bay is an omit diet. I also do this though, so that time to time I can enjoy a beer or a piece of fruit or join in with a celebration etc. But I always go right back to my healthier choice.

The only way we can truly tell, is by experimenting. You try one way see how you feel and then try the other way and see how you feel in both going vegetarian or carnivore you're going to get a point in time where you might have diarrhea as your body changes over to switching to digest and your Microbiome switches. However, you can mitigate this by making the change slowly over a period of weeks or a couple of months and see how you feel best.

It may even be that you do best in the middle with a ketogenic diet. This will also be amazing. However, I do like to address and dispel the myths around vegetables and that at the end of the day it's not about the meat or vegetables, but it is a fact that we need to leave behind the seed oils, and the processed foods in every form, shopping only from the outside isle of our grocery stores and not to the center isles.

Roughly 80% Of Us Are Sick!

I have been hacking my body since the age of 16. I am now 57 and there are days that I feel like a 20 year old. I am addicted to foods of all sorts. Sugar, savory, and I love it all. This has been my undoing.

Don't get me wrong, I could quite happily be locked in a 7-Eleven one weekend and eat all the foods available to me. However, I know how it makes me feel, I know what it does to my blood sugar, intern, I know what it does to my insulin. It is estimated that 80% of us are actually sick and we have no clue.

This means that our bodies blood sugar although it looks normal is actually only showing as normal because our insulin is running too high. This means that our systems are growing everything from blood artery walls to tumors and cancer. Our blood pressure is going up and a lot of us are blaming salt and cutting so I have a diet. It has nothing to do with the salt. It is mostly all to do with insulin. Which the Alopathic medicine, the Western medicine filled do not test for in a routine blood test because if they did, they would lose billions of dollars each year and diabetes medication's.

Your body can only handle high insulin for about 10 to 15 years before you get full-blown diabetes or cancer. And eventually someday Alzheimer's…