Just before Christmas, I was helping a fellow teacher at the school where I teach to cover for a test that the students were taking. During the breaks, I got out my iPad, and I was drawing a picture of two dogs for my mailman. I was making something for my mailman at the time. My colleague saw this and sent me a photograph to ask if I could possibly draw his dogs. And then doing so create a wall plaque, or a shield of some sort, or a crest to represent the love that he has for his two bloodhounds.

Not having created a crest or plaque like this before, I did a bunch of designs and came up with a draft of something that looked quite promising. And with about three or four attempts at some of the pieces, I used my 20-watt diode laser to cut through the quarter-inch oak ply that I was using for the decorative elements of the plaque. Then I had the idea to hand-paint the cutouts to create some lustrous, bright, and zestful-looking imagery. And slowly, the piece began to come together in some kind of magic. But when it was completed, I stood back, and it just felt lacking. Now that I have done the first one, if I had my druthers, I would have created this slightly differently, with many more levels, more complexity, and more elements with icons that have a special meaning for this individual and his family.

I made a lot of mistakes making this one piece, but in the process of doing so, I discovered the foundation and best techniques to create these beautiful works of art.

The final result is a piece of magnificence that will grace the walls of his home for many years to come. His wife made him call me on Christmas day to express how overwhelmed and overjoyed she was to have such a piece in their home. I was even asked to sign the plaque, which I did on the back. In fact, I need to buy a gold marker to help that signature really stand out for many years.

The teacher gave me a photograph of his two dogs, and I drew them on my iPad so that I had a digital version of the photo that would be perfect for engraving. The plaque took several weeks to finish designing, and it is not something that I can simply knock out. This takes time, patience, and a lot of love, hand-painting every leaf, berry, and design element to suit the overall aesthetic.

I want to offer this plaque or shield or crest as a service on my website. I'm excited to create one that is shield-shaped, so I will probably design one for my family at home, my wife, and our three cats. One has long passed, but she still holds such a special place in our hearts. Felicity, we love you, and we miss you dearly every day.

This is about pride, putting the time and effort, love, and passion into a piece that you can say, "yes, I made that." To make something that I would be so proud to hang on my walls and look completely unique and timeless in its way, even though it has a strong air of yesteryear and the days of chivalry.

It's fitting that the very first one I make like this should be for this particular gentleman, as he is very well spoken, teaches history, and is very much a gentleman with old-fashioned values and traditions, I'm sure.

If you like the look of this and would like one for yourself, please feel free to reach out to me, and we can talk about your needs and special key elements to represent who you and your family are within the confines of a custom-created shield.

I built a very special laser engraver enclosure to handle the smoke and debris that is created when I cut or engrave a piece of wood. I have placed the build plans here on Etsy.