Of all that dwells within your heart, take the rage...

Take the rage of everything that you have ever felt a fury for...

The loss of a child...

A senseless act of violence against someone so unsuspecting or frail...

The prejudice that devours society like cancer...

The Countless thousands that have lost their lives in the name of god, honor or country...

Even the sand that has too many times been kicked into your own face. 

Take the rage of all this, the mind numbing infuriating rage of it...

Harness it, focus it, unleash it, towards the betterment of yourself or the world, to strive to make a change in any positive way, using the rage as fuel; the focused anger of all that devours your very spirit and soul, to push you to attain that much needed goal.

Harness the Passion, the passion from the music that sparks a fire within your soul. The m usic that drives you with inhuman power and strength to go that extra mile, that extra rep, that extra day. The passion for the love that heaven nor hell, Man nor beast keep you away from....

Harness the energy from every fiber, every cell, every part of your being.... Focus it, unleash it, in a laser beam tunnel vision of dreams, ambition and hunger for the success you desire.

Even with this effort, you may not become the best or the greatest, but you will become the best, the greatest, you can be...!

"Life, Live it with pride"

© copyright 1996

Andrew Jones