"The hospital wanted to cut it out of me. but I said NO! This is how I fix my diabetes easier"


While this comprehensive guide on naturally cleansing the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts is still a work in progress, it already provides detailed information on improving digestion and eliminating toxins.

In future updates, I plan to address connections between constipation, low stomach acid, and gallbladder health, as well as beneficial supplements like milk thistle and artichoke extract for liver and gallbladder function. For now, I have outlined two cleansing protocols using ingredients like apple juice, Epsom salts, olive oil, and coffee enemas to flush out gallstones and sludge.

One common symptom of sluggish or obstructed bile flow is urgent diarrhea shortly after eating fatty foods. This diarrhea is often yellow or brown in color, indicating the presence of excess fat and bile that the digestive system was unable to properly break down and absorb. When the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts are not able to release enough bile at the right time to emulsify dietary fats, the incompletely processed fats and proteins can irritate the intestines and cause them to hurriedly flush out the contents. Performing periodic liver and gallbladder cleanses can help optimize bile flow and release so your body can properly digest meals again without immediate diarrhea after eating.

I was in intensive care for 5 days with gallbladder and bile duct issues5 days in intensive care due to gallbladder/bile duct issues
(2 visits totaling $60,000)
Feeling great after my gallbladder cleansesFeeling Incredible again after my 2 gallbladder, bile duct and liver cleanses. (just a few weeks later)

Please note the images below are for illustrative purposes only and not actual cooking instruments. They demonstrate what you can expect to eliminate during these cleansing protocols. The first method slowly dissolves and passes stones over time, while the second more rapidly flushes buildup out of the biliary system.

Over the coming days, I intend to expand this guide by including more specifics around the anatomy, disorders, symptoms, causes, and integrative treatments for optimal liver, gallbladder, and bile duct health. My goal is to provide a comprehensive resource to help readers naturally revitalize these vital organs and enhance their overall digestion and wellbeing.

Brown (red) gallstones Science says these are formed of Bilirubin (breakdown of hemoglobin) Some suggest these are older stones

Green gallstones Science says these are formed of Cholesterol (Not sure if dietary or self created) Some suggest these are newer stones

Here is the trainer I purchased for this use only:

I found that if I place the handle between the porcelain bowl rim and lower the toilet seat on top. The strainer is held in place as I take care of business.

Here is a short video showing you how I place the strainer.

I want to place here the cleanses, routines, supplements, and protocols that have truly helped me on my journey. This is not to say that it will definitely work for you, but in all of my experience and over 40 years of education with diet, nutrition, supplementation, and the myriad of medical issues that I’ve had over time, this is possibly where I would begin in the journey to greater health.

Here is a video about how I also got myself off of over 15 medications, also about a new application I am designing, because I truly want to help people make themselves well again.

Healing my Gallbladder / Liver and Bile Duct

Gallbladder health is essential yet overlooked. Approximately 20 million Americans suffer from gallbladder diseases like gallstones and impaired bile flow each year. My personal health journey gave me firsthand experience with the importance of a properly functioning gallbladder.

Over the past year alone, I incurred over $120,000 in medical bills for hospital visits related to undiagnosed gallbladder issues. Despite exhaustive testing, four different doctors pressured me to undergo surgery to remove my gallbladder. However, this invasive option was not my preferred first choice. I knew there were natural ways to improve gallbladder and liver function without surgery.

The gallbladder plays a pivotal yet underappreciated role in digestion and nutrient absorption. It concentrates and stores the bile produced by your liver, allowing you to properly break down fatty foods, proteins, and toxins. When bile flow from the liver to the gallbladder is impeded, partially digested fats and proteins can trigger GI distress. For me, eating seemingly benign foods like steak, eggs, bacon, or coffee would cause urgent diarrhea within 30-45 minutes. These were clear signs my sluggish bile flow and probable gallstones needed addressing.

Through extensive research, I discovered two do-it-yourself gallbladder cleanse protocols designed to stimulate bile flow naturally. The cleanses involve taking targeted nutritional supplements to help loosen bile, followed by flushing the gallbladder to release stagnant bile and stones. This flushing is done using natural coffee enemas or suppositories, which contain compounds that stimulate the liver, gallbladder, and intestines to increase bile flow.

Within just two days of starting this gallbladder cleanse routine, I noticed dramatic improvements in my ability to properly digest fatty foods like eggs, bacon, and steak without problematic bathroom trips. I continue to do periodic at-home gallbladder cleanses which have practically eliminated my right upper quadrant pain and post-meal digestive issues. My cleanse methods are based on decades-old protocols from natural health pioneers like Dr. Max Gerson, who had great success treating gallbladder disease with nutrition.

While not a substitute for medical advice, my personal health experiences demonstrate the power of proactively supporting gallbladder health through natural solutions. When bile flow is optimized, the gallbladder can properly regulate the flow of bile to break down fats, proteins, and toxins. This may help avoid painful gallstones getting stuck and reduce gallbladder disease symptoms.

Gallbladder disease afflicts 20 million Americans yearly, leading to over 700,000 gallbladder removal surgeries. Yet many patients are unaware of the gallbladder's digestive importance before surgery. Some experts believe up to 20% of gallbladder removal patients develop long-term digestive issues due to insufficient bile flow. Further research into the benefits of gallbladder cleanses could provide new hope for the millions struggling with gallbladder diseases.

Proper bile flow ensures toxins from the liver detoxification process get eliminated efficiently. Toxins the liver filters out end up getting concentrated in the gallbladder bile at up to 20 times their original potency. When the gallbladder doesn't empty properly, toxins can accumulate and the bile thickens. Eventually this bile sludge can turn into painful gallstones that block bile ducts.

Lifestyle factors like consuming processed foods, excess sugar, hydrogenated oils, and insufficient fiber contribute to gallbladder sludge and disease. By improving diet and supporting the body's natural detoxification pathways, many patients can restore healthy gallbladder function without surgery. In some cases, addressing underlying issues like food sensitivities, imbalanced gut bacteria, and chronic stress may also alleviate gallbladder symptoms.

For those seeking to improve their bile flow, be sure to consult your healthcare provider before attempting cleansing protocols. If you have confirmed gallstones, a restrict low-fat diet may be advisable to manage symptoms. However, severe gallbladder inflammation or obstruction requires urgent medical attention.

While my gallbladder cleanse methods helped restore my digestive health, results will vary based on each individual's unique situation. Some patients with advanced gallbladder disease may still require surgery after trying natural interventions. But considering alternative options could help many patients avoid unnecessary procedures.

By sharing my personal health experiences, I hope to increase awareness around supporting gallbladder health naturally. Diet, nutrition, and lifestyle changes may optimize bile flow before symptoms advance. Proactively cleansing the gallbladder could prevent many cases of gallstones and malfunction down the road. We urgently need more research into integrative gallbladder health solutions to avoid surgery and provide long-term relief to millions.

There are, however, many caveats to what I have just written… Because today I consume no fiber whatsoever. But I do consume a mostly carnivore and high-fat food intake. I have been reversing all of my medical issues for a long time now and currently on no medication whatsoever. Always do your own research, always get multiple opinions and seek advice from others who have done this like I did. And somewhere amidst all of this will be the truth for you.

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse 1

Perform once per week if required until you feel better.

Day One:

Beet Flow Capsules by Empirical Labs

4 tablets every 30 mins for 2 hours

1:00 pm - 4 capsules
1:30 pm - 4 capsules
2:00 pm - 4 capsules
2:30 pm - 4 capsules
3:00 pm - 4 capsules

*This supplement has been sold out now for quite a while, and after doing quite a bit of further research I am going to make my own supplement that should work just as well. I’m going to show you how I make it. I have been experimenting with a technique for the last 3 to 4 weeks. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and I will be placing the tutorial on my channel in the next couple of weeks.

Although I am not currently affiliated with this company, I have expressed interest in becoming a part of their team as I have dedicated considerable time and effort towards providing this service to individuals. While it is possible to find similar products at a lower price point, it is worth noting that this particular brand is known for its high quality and efficacy.

You will probably feel nothing from this. (I felt nothing, and the typical response is no issues with this part of the protocol)

Coffee Enema or Caffeine Suppository

Day Two:

Organic Light Roast CoffeeEnema Kit


  1. Boil 1 liter (or 1 quart) of filtered or distilled water and add 3 tablespoons (or 45 ml) of organic coffee. Let it simmer for 15 minutes, then let it cool.
  2. Strain the coffee through a fine sieve and add enough filtered or distilled water to make 1 liter (or 1 quart) of liquid.
  3. Place a towel on the floor in your bathroom and lie down on your right side. Lubricate the tip of the enema nozzle with coconut oil or olive oil.
  4. Fill the enema bag with the coffee solution and hang it on a hook or door knob.
  5. Insert the nozzle into your rectum and release the clamp to allow the coffee to flow in. Hold it in for 10-15 minutes, rolling on your left side for 5 minutes and on your right side for another 5 minutes.
  6. Release the coffee into the toilet and lie on your right side for another 5-10 minutes. While lying on your back, undulate your stomach and massage it gently to help release toxins and buildup.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 with the remaining coffee solution.
  8. Clean the enema equipment with soap and hot water.
  9. It is recommended to perform a coffee enema once a week, but consult with your healthcare provider if you have any health concerns. Please note that it should be organic coffee. In European measurements, 1 liter of water is equivalent to 33.8 fluid ounces or 4.2 cups, and 3 tablespoons of coffee is equivalent to 45 milliliters. In American measurements, 1 quart of water is equivalent to 32 fluid ounces or 4 cups, and 3 tablespoons of coffee is equivalent to 0.19 cups.

For me, this does not last very long. Maybe an hour or two of releasing the coffee mixture, and I’m good to go for the rest of the day.
For some it may be better to perform the Caffeine Suppository, just follow the directions.
I have placed links to items to assist you. Specifically the Beet Flow capsules. These have been found by many to be most effective. For those wishing to use a coffee suppository, these are recommended as best for the protocol.

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse 2

Perform once every 5-6 weeks for a few months
This one is a little intense. Bathroom visits all day long and you become a little sore

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder from gallstones is one of the most important and powerful approaches you can take to improve your health. The liver flush requires 6 days of preparation, followed by 16 to 20 hours of actual cleansing. To remove gallstones you will need the following items:

  1. Apple juice: Six 1 liter (or six 32 oz.) containers (diabetic version coming)

  2. Epsom salts*: 4 tablespoons (US) or 25g (EU) of magnesium sulfate, dissolved in a total of 24 fluid ounces (US) or 700ml (EU) of water

  3. Extra virgin olive oil, cold-pressed: One-half glass (US: 4 oz. / EU: 100ml)

  4. Grapefruit or lemon and orange: Fresh enough to squeeze 3⁄4 (US: 6 oz. / EU: 180ml) glass of juice

  5. Pint jars: Two, one with a lid

Note: * Look for Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). In German-speaking countries it is known as “Bittersalz.” For those in the U.S., check out Rite Aid drugstores or any natural food stores. Some packaging labels describe it as a natural laxative. If it is not available, use magnesium citrate.


  1. Drink 1 liter (US: 32 oz.) of packaged apple juice (or see other options below) per day for a period of six days: (You may drink more than that if it feels comfortable to do so.) The Malic acid in the apple juice softens the gallstones and makes their passage through the bile ducts smooth and easy. The apple juice has a strong cleansing effect. Some sensitive people may experience bloating and, occasionally, diarrhea during the first few days. Much of the diarrhea is actually stagnant bile, released by the liver and gallbladder (indicated by a brownish, yellow color). The fermenting effect of the juice helps widen the bile ducts. If this becomes somewhat uncomfortable, you can dilute the apple juice with any amount of water, or use other options described later. Drink the apple juice slowly throughout the day, between meals (avoid drinking the juice during, just before, and in the first two hours after meals, and in the evening). This is in addition to your normal water intake of six to eight glasses.

  2. Preferably, use organic apple juice, although for the purpose of the flush, any good brand of commercial apple juice, apple concentrate, or apple cider works just as well. It may be useful to rinse your mouth out with baking soda and/or brush your teeth several times per day to prevent the acid from damaging your teeth. (In case you are intolerant of apple juice or allergic to it, see the other options explained in Having Difficulties with the Cleanse at the end of this chapter - More info to come.)

  3. During the entire week of preparation and cleansing, avoid foods or beverages that are cold or chilled; they chill the liver and, thereby, reduce the effectiveness of the cleanse. All foods or beverages should be warm or at least room temperature. To help the liver prepare for the main part of the cleanse, try to avoid foods from animal sources, dairy products, and fried food items. Otherwise, you may experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

Keeping the Bile Duct Working in the Future

After the cleanses, I took it very steady with my way of eating. I understood how I got there in the first place. I stopped, consuming all processed foods, all grains and wheat, or sugar, and personally I even stopped consuming all vegetables. I did this due to the absolute incredible amount of anti-nutrients in vegetables. Please understand that this is not recommended for everyone. But I am oh blood, and due to this a meat-based diet is preferred. I have discovered over the last few years that a ketogenic style of living and for me personally a carnivore way of living is curing everything the owls me. I am becoming healthier, my hair is growing back. My energy levels are rising, and my vigor for life is returning once more. I have been slowly integrating fat, such as butter, Ghee, bacon, the occasional avocado, coconut oil. As I slowly increase my fat levels, I allow my bile duct and gallbladder to do what they were created to do. Dissolve fat. The true process of digestion is first of all we need high stomach acid in our stomach, which breaks down the food. After a period of time the acidified food is released into the duodenum where bile is squeezed onto the broken down food stuff. This creates a sizzle, a chemical reaction, whereby the food is neutralized and broken down even further. If the bile duct is blocked, or your gallbladder is not working properly performing the cleanses will help to slowly dissolve or illuminate the stones, whereby you can slowly begin to increase the fat intake once more. Increasing bile flow by consuming fat, will also help to re-dissolve stones back into the bile itself.

For many years, I would lie in bed, resting my midsection on a pillow because I just felt uncomfortable and a little bit painful where things needed support. I found that when I placed my stomach next to a pillow it took away the pain. Little did I realize that this was an inflamed and fatty liver, fatty, pancreas, and fatty biliary system in general. Probably with a highly inflamed, gallbladder and bile duct.

Our medical system tells us to eat a low fat diet because fat will give us cholesterol in our arteries and cause heart attacks. This is absolutely 100% incorrect and it is false information. All I am doing is eating eggs, butter, bacon, beef, water, and salt. Salt. Is Heidi required when you stop consuming carbohydrates like I have. About 4 to 5 g of, all natural minimally processed sea salt will give you about 80 to 90 minerals other than sodium. This will truly help your digestive enzymes increase and take your stomach acid to the next level. As we get older, our ability to digest protein becomes less. We need more protein, the older we become. I recently switched to 1 g of protein per kilo of body weight I should be on about 1.3 to 1.4 g of protein per kilo of body weight. Currently I consume about 100 g of protein per day. My health issues started clearing up as soon as I did this. I will be writing more blog posts about my journey into leaving vegetables and carbohydrates behind me and how to overcome the struggles that I have faced and how you can too. In my 20s, I was an incredible physical specimen. Strong fit and able to work all day nonstop. I thought those days were behind me, but now I see my health, returning, and my ability to work all day, and fill invincible again is slowly returning to my limbs.

I’m excited for white ladies before me, as I slowly see my body, becoming younger, one month at a time. I’m upset that the medical industry, politics, and special interest groups keep lying and keeping the truth from the people like you and I. It wasn’t until I decided to do something crazy that I discovered the beginnings of true health. This blog is going to be my small part while I am alive to help. Give others a better life as well. There will be a podcast coming where I will be interviewing individuals like you who have struggled and overcome to show you that you can overcome as well.

Occasionally, after the cleanses, I might have a little bit too much fat, and my stomach would be upset. This would be followed with very long periods of diarrhea and bathroom issues as my stomach was not ready to handle what I was giving it. If you’re poop is cardboard colored, if it is light and not dark and rich in color then listen to what I’m about to tell you because it change my world.

Dietary Aids for Handling Fats

When I made the dietary change to carnivore, I’m fat and I was having diarrhea. This is because the food in my intestines was too acidic. That acid will break down and digest your small intestines, causing all sorts of damage. Your body gathers as much water as possible to flush the food through your system so it does no damage. This causes massive diarrhea.

I discovered that for about 3 to 5 days in the morning when I awake if I take a prebiotic and then join the day, I have a small bowl of sauerkraut (fermented cabbage), and then prior to bed on an empty stomach, I would take a good probiotic . I noticed that every morning I woke up my bathroom visits became firmer and firmer until in the end I was pooping like a champion!

What I later discovered was that the prebiotic, probiotic, and the sauerkraut, gave my stomach, the microbiome that it was missing to be able to handle meats, and fats once more. once I achieve the status, I no longer required to have the prebiotic and a probiotic or the sauerkraut as I found that my system was propagated once more with healthy bacteria and I was good to go. Watt will destroy your stomach again is the fake foods, the processed foods, it could be that dairy will upset you… It could be the eggs upset you, but definitely wheat grain gluten sugar will rip your stomach apart and you’ll end up with gallbladder issues once more.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel I’ll keep you updated there with podcast releases, a new blog posts and also subscribe to the newsletter which I will be getting on top of in the coming weeks. No spam, just pure guidance to better health.

Below I will place the Prebiotic and probiotic I used to set me straight.